Features to look for in best College ERP software

College education is the next step in development, and it will lay a more solid foundation for students to learn basic skills in pre-university education. The main subjects selected by students in the college preparatory education model include science, business and art. Colleges affiliated with universities offer many courses related to these subjects. In order to effectively manage these countless courses, universities need to ensure that they have university ERP software. 

Features found in top college ERP software

Today, universities need to adapt to emerging trends in technology such as university ERP software. The university ERP software that the university is looking for needs to have the following functions- 

Admission management 

Enrollment is one of the most important stages in operating a higher education institution like a university, because in fact various applications for courses from many students have been received. In order to ensure smoother and easier management of these functions during the admission process, universities should look for the "admission management" function in the ERP they are looking for.

Course management 

Once enrollment is complete, the next step is to properly handle every course offered by the institution in an organized manner. This can only be ensured by ERP software, which has modules such as "Course Management", which can easily manage these courses and navigate their detailed information when needed. 

Staff and student management 

As courses increase, more and more students begin to register for each course. There are many teachers specializing in imparting knowledge based on the content of these syllabuses. colleges need to ensure that the college ERP software they are looking for has separate modules for employees and students to centralize the data belonging to each stakeholder category. 


The university conducts semester examinations of various courses offered to students. The college exam process should be as efficient as possible, because these exams are conducted by the university and there should be no errors in any activities. This is a convenient place for ERP software used in colleges and helps ensure that the detailed information for each stage of the exam process is safely stored in the core database.

OBE module 

OBE helps assess students' performance, knowledge, and skills through quizzes, problem solving, online presentations, modelling, and selection of multiple assessments. By aligning your knowledge with Bloom's taxonomy in the areas of cognition, emotion, and psychomotor, you can map skilled results-based education to 5 different levels. This 5-level mapping provides an unprecedented level of control. It is now time for universities to look for ERP software with an "OBE module" to simplify the OBE implementation process in institutions with little experience in managing this teaching method. 

In this way, higher education institutions like colleges need to ensure that the college ERP software they choose checks all the above functions. Looking for college ERP software? Get eAcademics now.